As donations are received, this page will list all contributors. These donations will also be listed in the credits at the end of the film.
Diamond - $50,000 and above
Renewable Resources Extension Act; USDA/NIFA/RREA ($150,000; approved competitive grant application)
Platinum - $25,000 to $49,999
Gold - $10,000 to $24,999
National Grazing Lands Coalition ($10,000; approved competitive grant application)
University of Nevada, Reno ($20,000; multiple payments)
University of California, Agriculture & Natural Resources ($10,000)
Western Landowners Alliance ($5,000 in 2024; and $5,000 in 2025)
Silver - $5,000 to $9,999
Society for Range Management ($5,000)
The University of Arizona Marley Endowment for Sustainable Rangeland Stewardship and the Arizona Experiment Station ($5,000)
Bronze - $500 to $4,999
Altar Valley Conservation Alliance & Elkhorn Ranch ($1,000)
Oklahoma State University Ag Research ($1,000)
Montana State University, Dean's Office, College of Agriculture ($2,500)
Montana State University, Department of Animal & Range Sciences ($500)
New Mexico State University Agricultural Experiment Station ($1,000)
Public Lands Council ($3,500)
Rangelands Partnership ($1,000)
TAMU, Department of Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management ($1,500)
Texas A&M AgriLife Research ($1,000)
UC Rangelands ($1,000)
Chuck Shera, Arizona ($500)
Pearl - $50 to $499
Brett Hess - University of Nevada, Reno
Barbara Hutchinson - University of Arizona, Rangelands Partnership
Sheila Merrigan - University of Arizona, Rangelands Partnership
Jeanne Pfander - University of Arizona, Rangelands Partnership