FAO COFO Working Group

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The FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO) Working Group (WG) on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems works to protect and restore drylands to enhance local livelihoods and boost resilience, recognising the need for integrated development of forests, trees and livestock. In its 26th session, COFO encouraged the WG to support the IYRP by facilitating cross-regional expertise exchange on innovative, sustainable agrosylvopastoral systems. This WG is collaborating with the IYRP in the IYRP Summer School Initiative as part of the WG's efforts to facilitate cross-regional exchange. The Summer School is an annual course, each bringing together 20-25 participants to assess their current and planned actions in rangelands and to plan for long-term sustainability. These courses are designed for planners and practitioners in dryland forestry and agrosilvopastroal systems, including local pastoralists, and will buid a care of "champions" who can design and implement sustainable dryland management programmes and systems.