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The International Land Coalition (ILC) is the largest and most diverse coalition in the world aimed at securing land rights. ILC brings together close to 300 organisations from 81 countries with the goal to secure people-centred land governance with a mission of shifting power to the women, men and communities that live on and from the land as core to systems change. The pastoralist constituency of ILC comprises 24 peoples’ organisations that represent 3,376,224 people (as of 12 January 2025), along with others who have a strong competency on pastoralist issues. As a constituency, it is building its voice to emphasise its significance in global land use and environmental preservation, as well as to address the neglect of pastoralism in policy and programmes.
Alliance building is core to ILC’s activities. It works on pastoralism through the Africa Rangelands Initiative, the Central Asia Pastoralist Alliance and the South Asia Pastoral Alliance and with more limited capacity in Europe and in the Middle East and North Africa region. Pastoralism is also included in national-level actions in Cameroon, Senegal, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Kenya, Montenegro, Jordan, India, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, where National Land Coalitions are present. A Global Reference Group serves as an advisory body and lead for global advocacy, as well as a conduit to bring knowledge and information from the regional to the global level and back.
The ILC has supported the IYRP initiative since 2016. It is actively engaged in developing platforms and work plans to achieve key policy change and impact on the ground through the IYRP. ILC is part of the Global Coordination Group of the IYRP alliance and also facilitates the Working Group on Land. Several ILC members are also active in other groups in the IYRP alliance.