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The international conference “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity” took place on 2–3 June 2022, 50 years after the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment. It celebrated five decades of global environmental action and planned future action to secure a better future on a healthy planet. The event aimed to act as a springboard to accelerate implementation of the UN Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, including the 2030 Agenda, Paris Agreement on climate change and the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework, and to encourage adoption of green post-Covid19 recovery plans. Stockholm+50 was hosted by the Governments of Sweden and Kenya. Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP, was the Secretary General of the conference. Members of the IYRP Global Coordination Group were involved in several Informal Working Groups preparing for the conference. During Stockholm+50, on 2 June 2022, the IYRP co-organised a side event on "Nature-based restoration and multipurpose use of rangelands: promising solutions to benefit our planet and people", submitted by the Government of Mongolia, and made a call for three actions related to rangelands and pastoralists (see "Documents").