Global videos on pastoralism

Animated video produced together with VSF Belgium as part of material for "Pastoralism in Development" MOOC by IIED/ Misereor & Saverio Krätli. Also in French [La productivité et la durabilité peuvent augmenter en même temps], translation by FARM/Inter-réseaux for programme "Et si l'élevage faisait partie de la solution ?"

The 2nd edition of the film festival ( was launched in Sept 2022 at the Tropentag conference in Prague, Czech Republic. The festival is organised by CELEP (Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism / for the IYRP 2026.
Pastoralists from USA, Argentina, Mongolia, Tanzania & Hungary talk about their lives. Clips from 5 films from the Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival and IYRP website compiled by Ann Waters-Bayer & Lauren Svejcar, edited by Patrick Augenstein, funded by Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium & CELEP for the IYRP 2026.
(With Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, German, Hindi, Italian, Spanish and Mongolian subtitles.)
Herders worldwide film trailer. Neue Celluloid Fabrik/Albatross World Sales 2020. Director: Mark Michel.
The 1st edition of the Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival ( was launched Sept 2019 at the Tropentag conference in Kassel, Germany. The festival is organised by CELEP (Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism / for the IYRP.

Animated video produced in partnership with CELEP/DITSL (German Institute for Tropical & Subtropical Agriculture) as part of course material for "Pastoralism in Development" MOOC by IIED/Misereor and Saverio Krätli