Herders worldwide film trailer. Neue Celluloid Fabrik/Albatross World Sales 2020. Director: Mark Michel.
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(With Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, German, Hindi, Italian, Spanish and Mongolian subtitles.)
Kenyan pastoralists & ILRI scientists offer myth-busting facts about East Africa’s drylands and explain how pastoralist communities can be supported to continue their stewardship of the land. Credit: ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute).
Dr Jonathan Davies, Coordinator, IUCN Drylands Programme, highlights the need for appropriate policy & investment in pastoralists and their rangelands, where they produce high-value food & fibre and safeguard globally important ecosystem services. Credit: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Prof. Dr Ian Scoones, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK, with key points from PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty, Resilience) report on livestock & climate change: livestock is not a climate 'villain'; pastoralists’ experiences suggest a more complex picture. For the full report, see https://pastres.org/livestock-report/ Credit: PASTRES.
The 1st edition of the Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival (www.pastoralistfilmfestival.com) was launched Sept 2019 at the Tropentag conference in Kassel, Germany. The festival is organised by CELEP (Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism / www.celep.info) for the IYRP.