Rui Martinho, Secretary of State for Agriculture & Rural Development, Representative of Portuguese Presidency of the European Council, June 2021
More Europe Featured Videos and Photo Stories
Transhumance journey through the traditional livestock routes in Jaén Province, Spain, showing the tremendous environmental, social, cultural & economic work carried out by the herders. Credit: Katy Gomez.
Terra Maronesa, Portugal, translated this animated video into Portuguese; see other language versions here:
Trailer for longer film on herding by women in Italy. Credit: Anna Kauber
German Schäfermeister (Master Shepherd) Knut Kucznik sees a future for himself & his colleagues – shepherds, sheep & sheepdogs – with the “greening” of Europe. Credit: Knut Kucznik
In Clare County, Ireland, the Burren Beo livestock-keepers practise transhumance as “winterage”, an old tradition of grazing the highlands in winter, in contrast to moving herds to mountain pastures in summer in the European Alps. Credit: Paul Murphy
Shepherds provide agricultural and ecological benefits to society, but growing bureaucracy and lack of economic recognition for these services threaten shepherds’ existence. Credit: Peter Schanz
This video animation gives a social perspective on strategies to adapt to climate change in Spanish pastoralism, showing principles applicable worldwide. Credit: Marta Guadalupe Rivera Ferre.
Trailer of film on the shepherds' long march through Europe to raise awareness about importance of extensive sheep herding for agriculture, environment & society in western Europe (in German). Credit: Peter Schanz.