The production of this op-ed by Igshaan Samuels was supported by the STELARR project funded by GEF.
- Mongabay: "We must prioritize rangeland conservation for planetary health & biodiversity"
- IYRP Newsletter
3rd announcement of IRC2025
Jim O’Rourke, who spearheaded the IYRP initiative, died on 5 March 2024. A eulogy for this remarkable man, whose passion for rangelands continued to burn into his 82nd year.
Maryam Niamir-Fuller & Igshaan Samuels
sent from Permanent Mission of Mongolia to ISG
- IYRP Declaration Celebrated at GIZ-Ethiopia & MetaMeta (Dream II Conference) 18-03-22
Presentation by Maryam Niamir-Fuller at the Global Grasslands & Savannah Dialogue Platform, 7 September 2021
- IYRP session on pastoralism at UNFSS Pre-Summit 26 July 2021
Press Releases
- Society for Range Management IYRP Press Release 16-03-22