South America

Rangeland Voices

Higinio Porto, Peru, Vice-President of Pastoaméricas

Higinio Porto, Peru, Vice-President of Pastoraméricas, expresses his support for an IYRP.

Pablo Frere, Redes Chaco, Argentina

Pablo Frere from the Chaco network (Redes Chaco) in Argentina and focal point of Pastoraméricas, expresses his support for an IYRP.

Featured Videos

Raising llamas in Bolivia

Severo Choque Nina from Bolivia, a member of Pastoraméricas, describes his system of llama production while filming his herd.

Arreo: histories de trashumancia / story of transhumance

Trailer of 1.5-hr film that follows the Paradas family in Argentina as it take its goats & sheep on transhumance in the High Andes. In both spoken word & song, different family members reflect on why they lead a pastoral life (Credit: Tato Moreno).
Full-length film:

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